
Tuulikolmio Oy is a Finnish wind power company. The company is part of the Portuguese Infraventus Group. The Group has a high level of expertise in renewable energy project development, construction and management. We develop and operate our own wind farms and purchase wind power projects at different stages of development.
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  • Last year, as much was invested in the green transition as in the production of fossil fuels

    Last year, for the first time in the history of the entire world, as much money was invested in replacing fossil fuels as in the production of oil, gas and coal. 1.1 trillion euros were invested in the transition to clean energy and the transition was financed with a third more money compared to 2021. China is at the forefront of investments and almost half of the global energy transition investments were made in China. Read more about the historical twist in the MTV news article here.

  • South Ostrobothnia's new provincial plan enables the development of wind and solar energy and rail transport

    The draft of the regional plan of South Ostrobothnia 2050 is now ready and available for viewing. The county plan serves as a basis that guides the municipalities' planning and official activities. The draft of the provincial plan provides strong support for the green transition and enables the deployment of wind power in approx. 28 new areas. Read more about the benefits of the draft provincial plan in the article by the Finnish Broadcasting Corporation (YLE) here!

  • Reindeer management and the wind power industry work together to identify the best practices

    One third of Finland's area is reindeer husbandry. Reindeer management and wind power industry operators have together solved the challenges involved in building wind power in the Northern Reindeer Management Area. The operating model helps the parties to take each other into account during the life cycle of the projects, and practices are implemented in regional trainings. Read more about opening a chat connection in the Finnish Wind Power Association's press release here!

  • The Year of Wind Power significantly increased Finland's renewable energy production in 2022

    During the year, Finland's wind power capacity increased by 75 % and 2430 megawatts of new wind power was built. Wind power is currently one of the industries that brings the most investment euros to Finland. Affordable wind electricity and wind power project portfolio are Finland's competitive advantages when looking for investment sites. Currently, the measures taken to combat the energy crisis are planned to be short-term and such that they do not weaken the willingness to invest in new electricity production in Finland. Read here in Finland...

  • Wind power can be made as smooth as nuclear power and clearly cheaper

    Wärtsilä has calculated that wind power is a cheaper way to increase stable electricity production, i.e. basic power, than nuclear power. At the moment, many people think that Finland is too dependent on electricity imports and the country needs more stable domestic electricity production. Read more about how wind power production can be stabilized in Helsingin Sanomat's article here.

  • See you next year

  • Finland's green transition needs additional investments

    The working group appointed by the Ministry of Labor and Economic Affairs has completed its final report, which concerned the financing of Finland's green transition. The green transition still requires considerable funding, additional investments of at least 100 billion euros. As a counterweight to additional investments, the green transition creates significant opportunities for Finnish companies in the market. Read more about the final report of the working group in the Uusi Suomen article here.

  • A new solution from Fingrid for balancing the electricity grid

    Wind power production in Finland is concentrated on the west coast and is growing faster than all forecasts. Fingrid is equipped to ensure the operational reliability of the main grid and the reliable operation of wind power, and will build a synchronous compensator, i.e. a large synchronous machine without an energy source, at the Kalajoki Jylkä substation. The synchronous compensator stabilizes the voltage and frequency of the electrical network. Read here more about the effect of Fingrid's solution on the electricity grid!

  • Contracts for Eltel for the construction of the power line and substation of the OX2 wind farm

    Eltel and OX2, which develops wind and solar farms, have signed contracts for the construction of a power line and substation at OX2's Niinimäki wind farm in Etelä-Savo. The wind farm will have 22 wind turbines and after completion, the annual energy production of the wind farm will be more than 400 GWh, which corresponds to the annual electricity consumption of approx. 80,000 households. Read more about the cooperation between Eltel and OX2 here.

  • 8.12.2022 Fingrid's discussion event on the participation of wind power in the reserve market

    In terms of the conditions for efficient management of the electricity system, the participation of wind power in the reserve market is of primary importance. An information conference on the possibilities of wind power in the reserve market will be held at Fingrid's headquarters in Käpylä (Läkkisepäntie 21, Helsinki) on December 8. from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The language of the event is Finnish and coffee is served at the event, you can read more about the event here. Welcome to the discussion!