Työryhmä edistää tuulivoimahankkeita itäisessä Suomessa
Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö yhdessä puolustusministeriön kanssa ovat asettaneet työryhmän, jonka tavoitteena on parantaa tuulivoimahankkeiden etenemisen edellytyksiä itäisessä Suomessa. Työryhmän tehtävänä on valmistella pidemmän aikajänteen visio tuulivoiman sijoittamismahdollisuuksista itäiseen Suomeen. Lue täältä työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön sivuilta lisää!
Tuulivoima teki ennätyksen
Tuulivoimassa saavutettiin uusi virstanpylväs 29.1.2024, sillä tuulivoima saavutti ensimmäistä kertaa 6000 megawatin tehon. Samana aamuna rikottiin ennätyksiä myös tuulivoiman yhden tunnin keskituotantotehossa. Lue täältä Taloussanomien artikkelista lisää tuulivoiman saavutuksista!
Tutustumisretki Mastokankaan tuulivoimapuistoon 13.1.2024
Teimme yhdessä kuntalaisten kanssa 13.1.2024 tutustumisretken Mastokankaan tuulivoimapuistoon. Lähdimme klo 9.30 Varpajaisjärveltä ja noukimme matkan varrelta lisää osallistujia eri pysähdyksiltä. Matkan aikana osallistujat saivat alustusta päivän ohjelmasta. Perillä osallistujat pääsivät syventymään tuulivoimaloiden toimintaan. Tutustuimme tarkemmin tuulivoimalan sähköasemaan ja saimme kokemusperäistä tietoa tuulivoimaloiden äänistä, näkyvyydestä ja sähköntuotantoprosessista. Kävimme myös täydellä teholla toimivan tuulivoimalan maston sisällä, ja…
Wind power construction continued briskly in 2023
The year 2023 was the second busiest year for wind power construction in our history. During 2023, 212 new wind farms were built in Finland. The pace of construction in the coming years will increase our wind power capacity, as the development of new projects both on land and at sea is active. Read more about wind power construction now and in the future in the article of the Wind Power Association.
See you next year
We are taking it easy this week to celebrate Christmas and wish everyone a nice holiday and a successful new year 2024! We are happy to answer various questions and inquiries about wind power by e-mail Please note that there may be delays in response times due to holidays.
Finland's model in property taxation of wind turbines is admired in Sweden
In Finland, a property tax model has been developed for wind turbines, which is admired in peer countries. For example, in Sweden, there is hope for a property tax model where the property tax is directed to the municipality's coffers. The Finnish model is seen as motivating municipalities to zone areas suitable for the placement of wind power. Read more about the real estate tax model here on the website of the Finnish Wind Energy Association.
Finns value wind power
Wind power is the second most desired form of energy production in Finland, according to a survey of the Energy industry. Up to 90 percent of Finns have a positive or neutral attitude towards wind power. Climate change is still perceived as a threat, and wind power is a strong means of reducing climate emissions. See here on the website of the Finnish Wind Power Association for more information about the survey.
Come to discuss and ask questions about the Savola wind farm
Welcome to a coffee and a chat with the planner of the Savola Wind Power Park and the representatives of Tuulikolmio at Ravintola Savo Sydäme on Thursday 30 November 2023 between 14:00 and 19:00 at a time that suits you best (Kauppatie 31, Varpaisjärvi). The aim of the workshop is to have an informal discussion about questions related to the Savola wind farm, possible concerns related to the effects of the wind power project, and how these can best be taken into account in the planning of the wind farm. Up-to-date reports related to the project can be found...
Tax revenues from wind and solar power plants are not evenly distributed within Finland
In its article, Rural Future tells how the property tax paid for wind and solar power plants increased by more than 50% this year. In Finland, income is concentrated in the municipalities of North, Central and South Ostrobothnia. The municipalities of North Ostrobothnia received a total of EUR 19.9 million more in real estate tax revenue than last year. The municipality has also made large investments in wind and solar power plants. Read more about the share of wind and solar power plants in municipalities in this article...
Have you already familiarized yourself with the webinars of the Finnish Wind Energy Association?
There are many webinar recordings on the website of the Finnish Wind Power Association, where the costs of dismantling wind turbines and the carbon footprint of wind power are presented, among other things. You can watch the recordings directly from the website, come and have a look!