
Tuulikolmio Oy is a Finnish wind power company. The company is part of the Portuguese Infraventus Group. The Group has a high level of expertise in renewable energy project development, construction and management. We develop and operate our own wind farms and purchase wind power projects at different stages of development.
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  • Decision of the Administrative Court on the partial master plan of Palkisvaara

     No appeal has been lodged with the Supreme Administrative Court against the decision of the Administrative Court regarding the partial master plan of Palkisvaara. The interpretation of the Administrative Court regarding the entry in the formula for the effect of a wind farm on air surveillance has changed. Since the end of 2016, several partial master plan decisions for wind farms have overturned in Finland for the same reason by a decision of the Administrative Court. We are waiting for new guidance on formula designation. After a partial master plan crashes, the alternative is to start the zoning process from the beginning. We will provide more information as soon as possible. We apologize for the ambiguity…

  • Decision of the Administrative Court on the partial master plan of Palkisvaara

    Appeals against the decision of the Administrative Court of Northern Finland regarding the partial master plan decision of the Palkisvaara wind farm have been reported in Lapin Kansa and Pohjolan Sanomat on 3 March 2017. Tuulikolmio Oy will discuss the decision with the municipality of Sodankylä and will report the matter in more detail.

  • Tuulikolmio Oy's communications 2017

    This year, we will change the communication about our projects. From now on, the news will only be published on the news page. So we will stop using newsletters. We will be happy to provide more information about the progress of our projects and our activities. The best way to reach us is by phone and email. We strive to respond to all inquiries as soon as possible. So remember to include your own contact information in call requests.

  • The government's new energy and climate strategy has been published

    On 24 November 2016, the Government approved the National Energy and Climate Strategy until 2030. Discussion of the strategy has begun in Parliament on 30 November. The strategy outlines concrete actions and targets for Finland to achieve the energy and climate targets agreed in the government program and the EU by 2030. More information:

  • The master plan for the wind power section of Palkisvaara is progressing

    The Palkisvaara-Kannusvaara wind power section master plan for Palkisvaara is being processed by Sodankylä Municipal Council. At its meeting held on 27 October, the Municipal Government decided to approve the Palkisvaara wind power section master plan and the responses to the reminders and statements submitted on the draft plan, and to submit the formula to the municipal council for approval.

  • Processing of master plan decisions for the Mastokangas project in Siikajoki and Raahe

    On June 6, 2016, the Municipal Government of Siikajoki and the Government of the City of Raahe considered complaints filed against the Mastokangas wind power master plan at its meeting on August 22, 2016. At the request of the Northern Finland Administrative Court, statements were made at the meetings on complaints concerning zoning. The case continues in the administrative court. Further information is available in the minutes of the meeting: The development of the Mastokangas wind farm project continues normally.

  • The master plan for the wind power section of Mastokangas was approved by Siikajoki Municipal Council

    The Siikajoki Municipal Council approved the Mastokangasant Wind Power Division Master Plan at its meeting held on 30 March 2016. The Mastokangas project has 8 wind farms planned for the municipality of Siikajoki. The minutes of the meeting and the zoning material are available on Siikajoki's website at

  • The master plan for the wind power section of Mastokangas was approved by Raahe City Council

    Raahe City Council approved the Mastokangasant Wind Power Master Plan at its meeting held on 23 May 2016. The Mastokangas project has 6 wind turbines planned for the city of Raahe. The minutes of the meeting and the zoning material are available on Raahe's website at

  • FICORA's working group sought solutions to problems with radio systems

     The working group set up by FICORA has identified the problems caused by wind power to radio systems and sought solutions to them that can be flexibly implemented without changing the legislation. The working group concluded with recommendations for action by which wind power companies, TV and mobile operators, and various users of radio systems could co-operate in problem situations. More information can be found on FICORA's website: https: //äista/2016/ratkaisujatuulivoimastajohtuviinonelmiinonhaettuallistyöolla.html

  • THL published a study on the effects of noise from wind farms in wind power areas

    An article published in the journal Environment and Health (5/2016) presented the results of a survey conducted in nine wind power areas. The aim of the survey, funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, was to find out how common the nuisances caused by wind noise are in Finland. You can access the article from this link: