
Tuulikolmio Oy is a Finnish wind power company. The company is part of the Portuguese Infraventus Group. The Group has a high level of expertise in renewable energy project development, construction and management. We develop and operate our own wind farms and purchase wind power projects at different stages of development.
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  • The wind came in a billion business

    Helsingin Sanomat (HS) published an article on 29 May 2021 “The wind became a billion-dollar business”, which states that Finland needs more zero-emission electricity to reach its climate target. The story says that more than 200 new wind power plants with a total capacity of almost a thousand megawatts will be built in Finland this year. The article also talks about how a wind power plant currently under construction can produce up to three times as much electricity as a power plant built in 2009. Explore…

  • A pioneer from Åland with the help of offshore wind farms

    The Finnish Broadcasting Corporation (YLE) published an article on 26 April 2021 “Will 500 wind farms rise in Åland's sea areas? The billion-dollar project is moving in the wind, ”which presents Åland's ways to become an energy province and energy independent. Initially, 1,000 square kilometers have already been set aside for the construction of wind farms in Åland's nearby waters, and this may increase once the final zoning is completed. See the article and read more about how Åland might use wind power on the Archipelago's connecting vessel.  

  • There is potential in wind power projects

    In its press release of 17 February 2021 “The potential of Finnish wind power capacity to eightfold in wind power projects”, the Finnish Wind Power Association (STY) pointed out that the number of wind power projects has increased within a year 18 % and there is potential for eightfold Finnish wind power capacity in wind power projects. Read the full article and support increasing our country's renewable energy production!

  • The decision of the Supreme Administrative Court on the Mastokangas project

    The Supreme Administrative Court has rejected the appeals made against the partial master plan decision of the Mastokangas wind farm by its decision of 13 March 2018. The sub-master plan is thus legally binding.

  • Thanks to those who attended the road meeting!

    The meeting of the Kursu Forest Road Cooperative was held on 27 February 2018 at the Kopsa Observatory. Thank you for arranging the meeting and participating!

  • Dismantling of met masts in progress in both Raahe and Sodankylä

    Wind measurements at Mastokangas and Palkisvaara-Kannusvaara have been completed. Instrumentation placed at different heights on the met mast have recorded, among other things, wind direction and speed, humidity, temperature and other weather information relevant to wind power construction. The measurements have been used to determine the best possible locations for wind turbines and to estimate in advance the…

  • Downtime in e-mails on February 15, 2018

    We apologize for the inconvenience in the emails and website on February 15, 2018.

  • Presentation of tenders for renewable energy production support to Parliament

    On 9 November 2017, the Government sent a Government proposal to Parliament for consideration, which includes a proposal for a bonus system based on a renewable energy tender. More about this on the TEM website

  • The Siikajoki municipal government provided a reply to the Supreme Administrative Court regarding the proposed rezoning for the Mastokangas Wind Farm

     At its meeting on 4 September, the Siikajoki municipal government approved response to the complaint filed against the proposed Mastokangas Wind Farm Zone. The case is now continuing in the Supreme Administrative Court.

  • The Ministry of Employment and the Economy's report on the health and environmental effects of wind power has been published

     The report is available on the Ministry of Employment and the Economy's website