
Tuulikolmio Oy is a Finnish wind power company. The company is part of the Portuguese Infraventus Group. The Group has a high level of expertise in renewable energy project development, construction and management. We develop and operate our own wind farms and purchase wind power projects at different stages of development.
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  • Toholampi approved the zoning initiative for Tuulikolmio in the Pitkälehto area

    The municipal government of Toholammi approved the zoning initiative of Tuulikolmio and the zoning plan for the preparation of a partial master plan for the wind farm in the Pitkälehto area. Next, the municipality will start drawing up a partial master plan and a zoning agreement will be drawn up before zoning begins. The 3,800-hectare project area is located mainly on privately owned land. The project is planned, planned and built in close cooperation with OX2 Finland Oy. Read the news here!

  • New research data from Finland: wind power does not cause health problems 

    The Finnish Wind Power Association STY published a bulletin on the results of a study by Turku University of Applied Sciences, according to which people living near wind farms did not have more diseases or symptoms than in the comparison area. An in-depth study shows that wind power is built in Finland at a sufficient distance from settlement. The study also compared that the annoyance of wind power noise and road traffic noise was at the same level when the noise exposure in noise types is in the order of 30-40 dB. From this study you can…

  • The wind power company Vestas Finland is founded
    wind farm service station in Kannus
    employs about twenty people

    The wind power company Vestas Finland will establish a service point for wind farms in Kannus. The service point will permanently employ about twenty employees. Work management encourages you to apply for jobs at a low threshold! Read more about Yle's article here!

  • The power of wind power in Finland exploded 1,500 times last week 

    In the Finnish electricity grid, the instantaneous power of wind power exceeded the maximum power of nuclear power (2800 MW) for the first time in January. Wind power peaked in January at 2929 MW, but 3.2. wind power production fell to bottom levels, to rise again on 4.3. peak readings of 3007 MW. In Finland, exceeding the 3 GW limit is known to be the first time ever and at the same time a new wind power record. Read more in the article Technology & Economy!

  • The construction of wind power is planned for Luumäki Suurikanangas

    According to a recent study, a new potential area for wind power has been found in Luumäki's Suurikanka, South Karelia. The radar systems of the Defense Forces, which were previously an obstacle, are no longer an obstacle to the construction of wind power and the design of the wind power plant can be continued. Read more here in the article published by Yle!

  • A multidisciplinary study investigated the health effects of wind power infrasound

    The survey project consisted of three research sections: long-term measurements, a survey, and listening experiments. VTT led the implementation of the project and carried out the project's infrasound measurement campaign in areas where residents were known to associate their symptoms with the infrasound of wind power plants. The project did not provide evidence of the health effects of infrasound in wind farms. Read more about the project in the press release of the Prime Minister's Office!

  • In wind power construction, 2021 was a record year

    The Finnish Wind Power Association (STY) published a press release, according to which a record amount of new wind power was built in Finland last year. 141 new wind farms were built in Finland and wind power capacity increased by 26% from the previous year. Full-year wind power production was 8,061 TWh (or 11.7%) of all electricity production in our country. Read more here in the article of the Finnish Wind Power Association!

  • The number of wind farms in the Isojoki River will multiply in the coming years

    The municipal government approved the zoning and land lease agreement for the Kolmihaara wind farm, which includes as many as 60 wind power plants. According to the technical director of the municipality, the number of planned wind farms indicates that the wind conditions in the municipality are good and the large forest areas are suitable for building wind power. The municipality of Isojoki will pay off its debt this year, partly due to tax revenues from wind farms. Read more about the Isojoki wind power boom in an article on the Finnish Broadcasting Corporation (YLE)!

  • Changes to the arrangements for the land ownership event at Siiamonselä and Matalainen wind farm on January 10, 2022

    The landowners' event will be held according to the previously announced schedule in the Pelkosenniemi City Hall on January 10, 2022, but due to current interest restrictions, a maximum of 20 people can attend the event on site. Due to the limited number of participants, we ask that only one representative per landowner arrive at the office building on the spot and unfortunately there will be no coffee service at the event. You can attend the landowner event remotely, which you can join on your computer or mobile phone. We hope that as many…

  • Merry Christmas!