Economic research and FCG: Wind farms do not affect residential property prices
The first study conducted in Finland shows that wind turbines have had no effect on residential real estate prices. Commissioned by the Finnish Tuulivoimayhdis and conducted by the Finnish Consulting Group (FCG) and Taloustuikma, municipalities were selected from different parts of Finland where wind power has been built between 2012 and 2021. Read more about the study on the website of the Tuulivoimayhdisti!
Dear landowner
Tuulolmio is planning a Leppäkangas wind farm in the municipality of Pihtiputa, which we have discussed with landowners and the project has been largely welcomed. We will hold a discussion event for the residents on June 15, 2022 at 5 pm in the council hall of Pihtipudaa City Hall, where we will review the background and goals of the Wind Triangle, project plans and schedule. Welcome aboard!
How are wind farms monitored?
Wind farms are constantly monitored and collect real-time information on environmental weather phenomena and general operations. The behavior of wind turbines is monitored by monitoring vibration and production variability and analyzing data. Wind turbines are monitored by the power plant manufacturer during maintenance contracts. Read more interesting facts about wind power here on the pages of Tuulivoima magazine!
Climate emissions in Northern Ostrobothnia have decreased by almost 8% per year
In the measurement by the Finnish Environment Institute, municipal emissions decreased, especially in terms of electricity consumption and heating. The climate emissions of the municipalities of Northern Ostrobothnia have decreased in 2020 compared to the previous year by 7.6%, the corresponding figure for the whole country is 8.7%. The decrease in the use of electricity has been affected by the decrease in the use of fossil fuels and the warm year. Read more about the article on the Finnish Broadcasting Corporation (YLE) here!
Wind Power Information Webinars
Did you know that the Finnish Wind Power Association is organizing a webinar series on wind power? The series addresses issues related to wind power, such as the impact of the proximity of wind power on health. The following webinars are: 5.5 6 pm-7.30pm The health effects of the proximity of wind power, Register here 9.5. 18-19.30 The effect of wind power on the value of real estate, Register here Read more here and register for the webinar!
The zoning initiatives in Siiamonselä and Matalaisenvaara have been approved
At its meeting on April 8, 2022, the Pelkosenniemi Municipal Government approved the zoning initiatives of Siiamonselä and Matalaisenvaara. We are now starting to draw up a partial master plan for the projects and to determine the environmental impact, on the basis of which the delimitation of the project area and the number of wind turbines will be specified. We will work closely with landowners and other stakeholders throughout zoning. We will also continue to enter into land lease agreements. We encourage landowners to contact project development managers Tuomas Rautajoki (Matalaisenvaara) and Antti Marttila (Siiamonselkä) if you miss…
Finland's wind power capacity has more than doubled in 10 years
Pension companies, municipalities and the Cooperative have rushed the wind power boom into major owners. Many of these operators do not make a direct profit but supply electricity to their owners at cost price. This way, the owners get the cheapest possible electricity and are not dependent on price fluctuations on the power exchange. Read more about Yle's news about the major owners of the wind power industry!
Wind power is the key to increasing Finland's energy self-sufficiency
The goal of Finland's energy economy is to increase energy self-sufficiency, and the EU is also investing in renewable energy production and energy networks. Domestic wind power construction meets both goals, and therefore wind power construction is growing strongly this year as well. According to the Finnish Wind Power Association, 42 % of the planned wind power capacity is located in Northern Ostrobothnia, more than 10 % in Ostrobothnia, more than 8 % in Lapland, 5 % in Southern Ostrobothnia, 5 % in Kainuu and 4 % in Central Finland.
Simo has become the number one wind power company
Simo, located in the province of Lapland and has a population of about 3,000, is the windiest municipality in Finland. Of the Finnish municipalities, Simo generates the most wind power. These state-of-the-art power plants are significantly more efficient than the old ones, says the association's CEO Anni Mikkonen. Read the full news here!
The zoning of the Leppäkangas wind farm will start in Pihtiputaa
The Pihtiputa municipal government has decided that the preparation of a partial master plan for the Leppäkangas wind farm can begin. The distance of the wind farms planned for the Pihtipudas area to the protected Natura area is about one kilometer. Read the full article here!