Operating model and principles

Local company
The project company is always established locally, in which case the municipal share of the corporate tax remains in the home municipality. In all our activities, we strive to support the development of local well-being and employment.
Local employment
We primarily employ local consultants to promote projects to ensure measurements, woodwork, surveys and maintenance.
Community land lease model
Tuulikolmio was the first to enforce a community land lease agreement, in which, in addition to site-specific rent payments, we pay rent to landowners throughout the wind farm.

Benefits of wind power for the municipality and landowners
Land rental income
Wind farms will be built on leased land, for which a thirty-year land lease will be entered into. Under the agreements, an annual rent is paid that is a multiple of the wood yield, indexed to the entire term of the land lease.
Stronger road network
Transporting the installation phase of wind farms requires a significant investment in the local road network - These investments also support local agricultural and forestry activities. The result of the development of the road network by the wind triangle is available to everyone: it increases the local road network, improves the condition of the existing one - this is how we create safety and better connections for everyone.
Real estate appreciation
Long-term, indexed land leases yield many times as much as traditional agricultural and forestry land returns. A fixed lease increases the value of the land.
Significant local investment
The investment cost of wind farms in Finland is approximately EUR 1–1.4 million per megawatt. As a result, the wind farms developed by Tuulikolmio always involve investments of several tens of millions in the municipalities where the parks will be built.
Impact on employment
Wind farms require operating and maintenance personnel as well as a maintenance network. Larger wind farms also bring with them separate investments and jobs from equipment suppliers. In our projects, we always strive to utilize local know-how and manpower.

Minimizing the disadvantages of wind power construction
Noise and visual nuisance / 1 km protection zone
The wind triangle always builds wind farms at least one kilometer from the nearest settlement, which means that the noise nuisance has been completely eliminated and the visual nuisance is significantly reduced.
Utilizing the latest technology
Käyttämällä uusinta mallinnus- ja tuulivoimateknologiaa, pystymme tehokkaasti minimoimaan tuulivoimaloiden aiheuttaman meluhaitan ja vähentämään visuaalista haittaa merkittävästi (muun muassa välkevaikutus).
Utilization of existing power lines
Tuulikolmio projects are always placed in locations where the existing power line network and the capacity in them can be utilized as efficiently as possible. The wind triangle always builds as few new power lines as possible.